Miscellaneous documents

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May 26, 2014, at 01:40 AM by -
Deleted lines 5-7:
!!! [[Installing_MediaWiki_1_7_1_on_free_fr_webhost | Installing MediaWiki 1.7.1 on free.fr webhost]]
-> Due to Php restrictions on free.fr, a few things need to be tweaked to install MediaWiki.

Deleted lines 16-18:

!!! [[Wanadoo_Inventel_Linux|Configuring Inventel DW-200 Wifi adaptators under Linux]]
->Wanadoo France sells a Wifi pack containing a Wifi ADSL modem with an USB Wifi adaptator. I found it painful to configure, so I decided to publish the process I followed to get it working.
Changed line 6 from:
!!! [[Installing_MediaWiki_1.7.1_on_free.fr_webhost | Installing MediaWiki 1.7.1 on free.fr webhost]]
!!! [[Installing_MediaWiki_1_7_1_on_free_fr_webhost | Installing MediaWiki 1.7.1 on free.fr webhost]]
Changed lines 3-5 from:
!!! [[Printing_Booklets_on_Linux|Printing Booklets on Linux]]
->How to print booklets (4 pages recto/vecto in one A4 page, resulting into a A5 book)
!!! [[Printing_Booklets_on_Linux | Printing Booklets on Linux]]
-> How to print booklets (4 pages recto/vecto in one A4 page, resulting into a A5 book)
Changed lines 7-14 from:
->Due to Php restrictions on free.fr, a few things need to be tweaked to install MediaWiki.

!!! [[Windows_for_Unixians|Windows for Unixians : survival guide]]
->In some cases Unixians may have to work on Windows environment.  This document gives the hints and tips I use when I have to work on Windows.

!!! [[Emacs_Shortcuts|Usual emacs shortcuts reminder]]
->Some useful emacs shortcuts I always forget.
-> Due to Php restrictions on free.fr, a few things need to be tweaked to install MediaWiki.

!!! [[Windows_for_Unixians | Windows for Unixians : survival guide]]
-> In some cases Unixians may have to work on Windows environment.  This document gives the hints and tips I use when I have to work on Windows.

!!! [[Emacs_Shortcuts | Usual emacs shortcuts reminder]]
-> Some useful emacs shortcuts I always forget.
Changed line 6 from:
!!! [[Installing_MediaWiki_1.7.1_on_free.fr_webhost|Installing MediaWiki 1.7.1 on free.fr webhost]]
!!! [[Installing_MediaWiki_1.7.1_on_free.fr_webhost | Installing MediaWiki 1.7.1 on free.fr webhost]]
Added lines 1-2:
(:title Miscellaneous documents:)
Added lines 1-20:
!!! [[Printing_Booklets_on_Linux|Printing Booklets on Linux]]
->How to print booklets (4 pages recto/vecto in one A4 page, resulting into a A5 book)

!!! [[Installing_MediaWiki_1.7.1_on_free.fr_webhost|Installing MediaWiki 1.7.1 on free.fr webhost]]
->Due to Php restrictions on free.fr, a few things need to be tweaked to install MediaWiki.

!!! [[Windows_for_Unixians|Windows for Unixians : survival guide]]
->In some cases Unixians may have to work on Windows environment.  This document gives the hints and tips I use when I have to work on Windows.

!!! [[Emacs_Shortcuts|Usual emacs shortcuts reminder]]
->Some useful emacs shortcuts I always forget.

!!! [[Latex_Slides_Builder|Latex slides builder]]
->This is a basic architecture to compile latex documents easily. Latex slides provides makefiles and automatic graphic files conversion, which makes it rather handy.

!!! [[Hevea_Curve|Using Hevea with Curve]]
->[[http://www.lrde.epita.fr/~didier/comp/development/software.php | Curve]] is a CV class for latex. Here is a basic attempt to make hevea compatible with curve and generate an html output.

!!! [[Wanadoo_Inventel_Linux|Configuring Inventel DW-200 Wifi adaptators under Linux]]
->Wanadoo France sells a Wifi pack containing a Wifi ADSL modem with an USB Wifi adaptator. I found it painful to configure, so I decided to publish the process I followed to get it working.