

Desktop system tray utility to assist color-blind people with various real-time filters. Also in the Mac App Store.


Command-line utility to quickly plot files in a Jupyter notebook. I was frustrated to find myself still relying on gnuplot when I needed to quickly plot some files, so I developed a tiny utility to generate and open a notebook that can plot files with a single command line. This removes the initial friction of starting a notebook server, creating a notebook, importing matplotlib / numpy / pandas, calling the right read_csv function, etc.

3D Rotation Formalisms and Conversions

I always find it painful to write the euler angles / rotation matrix that corresponds to a transform as I forget the conventions and end up switching a sign. See my small github project to make this easier and convert between 3D matrix, quaternions, euler angles and angle axis + visualize the transform in 3D. It’s implemented in HTML/javascript/WebGL and you can use it right in the browser.

Past projects


RGBDemo is an opensource software that aims at providing a simple toolkit to start playing with Kinect data and develop standalone computer vision programs without the hassle of integrating existing libraries.


The HANDLE project aims at understanding how humans perform the manipulation of objects in order to replicate grasping and skilled in-hand movements with an anthropomorphic artificial hand, and thereby move robot grippers from current best practice towards more autonomous, natural and effective articulated hands. The project implies not only focusing on technological developments but also working with fundamental multidisciplinary research aspects in order to endow the robotic hand system with advanced perception capabilities, high level feedback control and elements of intelligence that allow recognition of objects and context, reasoning about actions and a high degree of recovery from failure during the execution of dexterous tasks.


The goal of Tidydoc is to make documentation organization easier. It makes it easy to add documents to a repository, give them the right names, put them into the right directories, and reorganize them a posteriori. Then it can generate a set of HTML pages to browse your documents and a Bib Te X file to reference them. Every operation can be done through a Web interface if you are running a Web server, and/or through command line scripts. This allows documents to be uploaded remotely using scp or any other file transfer program. Tidydoc is written in Python in a spirit of flexibility and easy tweaking, but its default behavior should fit the needs of most people.


Scientific understanding and vision-based technological development for continuous sign language recognition and translation.


3D-media / Open platform for the production, the processing and the exploitation of rich audiovisual content, with a specific focus on HD-TV and digital cinema.


Olena is a library for image processing whose main characteristics is its genericity. In Olena an algorithm is written once and can apply on any kind of image (grey scale, color, 1D, 2D, 3D, …). This library implements a range of image processing algorithms, but for the moment a maybe more significant aspect of the library is its novel and advanced use of C++ static programming techniques.


eVidenZ is a Dempster-Shafer (D-S) engine developed by the LRDE (Epita Research and Development laboratory). This free C++ implementation is still a research prototype, but it already provides enough structures and algorithms to design efficient D-S engines.